How Massage, Acu & Chiro Help Headaches

Lift the Stress Off Your Nervous System
Experiencing consistent headaches and other types of body pain has become normalized, but it’s not normal to always be in pain. You shouldn’t have to live in pain all the time, and there is a solution besides always taking painkillers just to get through the day. Something you might be unaware of, but chiropractic care can help ease your headaches or eliminate them.
When you seek care with us here at Rhodes Chiropractic, we will adjust your spine’s alignment to help improve your spinal function and lift the stress off your nervous system causing these tension aches. As a result, this allows your body to normally function and reduces the amount of tension and stress that’s building in your body that has been causing these headache pains to develop.

Massage Therapy and Acupuncture Services
While painkillers may be doing the job of temporarily reducing your headaches, they only mask the symptoms. On the other hand, chiropractic care gets to the root of the problem and can help solve the cause of your headaches entirely.
We also offer both Massage Therapy and Acupuncture services at our office. Not everyone is educated on acupuncture’s benefits to our bodies. Since, usually, people hear the word “needles” and close their minds to it, because the idea of inserting needles into your body is intimidating.
However, Acupuncture has been practiced for over 2,500 years and the needles used are used to relieve pain and also stress in your body that can contribute to the pain from your headaches. The needles aren’t meant to cause pain, as the most additional pain you’ll experience with Acupuncture is a dull ache when inserted during your appointment.
Help Alleviate Some Fear
Just for reference and to help alleviate some fear, a needle we use in Acupuncture is about a quarter of the size of a typical sewing needle. The way that Acupuncture works are that after analyzing your body, we will then place needles in some of your body’s different pressure points to trigger your central nervous system.
As a result, they’ll release endorphins and hormones to help stimulate your circulatory system, which helps weaken headache pains and healing.
So, don’t be scared to try Chiropractic care or even Acupuncture, they both offer a lot of benefits to anyone who decides to seek them as a treatment for ailments like headaches or migraines. Just to help motivate you a bit…

Until the end of December 2022, we’re offering a free 30-minute massage to anyone who books their first Chiropractic or Acupuncture appointment with us!