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Auto Accident Recovery

When it comes to car accidents, you don’t want to wait. If you are having neck, back, or any other pains, schedule your appointment as soon as possible!

Have you recently been involved in a car accident?

Most of the time people go to the ER or Urgent Care initially to rule out fractures and/or internal bleeding. Thereafter, it’s very common for those individuals to seek treatment at a chiropractic clinic or physical therapist, many see both. Following a motor vehicle collision (MVC) there can be a host of injuries including…




Neck Pain

Back Pain

Jaw Pain








Neck Pain

Back Pain

Jaw Pain





Auto Accident Chiropractor | Tigard Chiropractor | Rhodes Chiropractic

The Earlier the Treatment Starts - the Better the Outcome

Many research studies have shown that there is typically less chronic pain in years to come when you visit sooner rather than later. Thus, most health care professionals encourage people with these injuries to seek care immediately. Chiropractors specialize in diagnosing and treating bone and connective tissue injuries. Often, but not always additional imaging is needed after the initial chiropractic exam to further examine the body. Thereafter, a treatment plan is developed that may include chiropractic adjustments, massage, acupuncture, muscle stimulation, and a home exercise program.

Many people do not realize that in Oregon your car insurance has Personal Injury Protection (PIP) built into your insurance policy.

Oregon is a “no-fault” state which means that even if the accident is your fault, your insurance will start paying for your medical bills as soon as your open your Personal Injury Protection. This means you have a minimum of $15,000 for you to use on medically necessary treatment, X-Rays/MRIs, and medical equipment. Most patients have no out-of-pocket expenses when receiving care.

Schedule Your Appointment

Dr. Rhodes works hand in hand with many other local physical therapists, surgeons, and medical doctors to provide a team approach to care when necessary. He has successfully treated hundreds of patients suffering from auto injuries. You do not need a referral from your primary care doctor to see a chiropractor. Click below to schedule your new patient appointment.

After Accident Chiropractor | Tigard Chiropractor | Rhodes Chiropractic

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