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How Chiropractic Care Helps Headaches

Chiropractor Near Me, Tigard Chiropractor

Lift the Stress Off Your Nervous System

Experiencing consistent headaches and other types of body pain has become normalized, but it’s not normal to always be in pain. You shouldn’t have to live in pain all the time, and there is a solution besides always taking painkillers just to get through the day. Something you might be unaware of, but chiropractic care can help ease your headaches or eliminate them.

When you seek care with us here at Rhodes Chiropractic in Tigard, we will adjust your spine’s alignment to help improve your spinal function and lift the stress off your nervous system causing these tension aches. As a result, this allows your body to normally function and reduces the amount of tension and stress that’s building in your body that has been causing these headache pains to develop.

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Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Services

While painkillers may be doing the job of temporarily reducing your headaches, they only mask the symptoms. On the other hand, chiropractic care gets to the root of the problem and can help solve the cause of your headaches entirely.

We also offer both Massage Therapy and Acupuncture services at our office.  Chiropractic treatment combined with the restorative effects of massage and acupuncture can lead to significant improvement in headache symptoms. Oftentimes, headaches are caused by a misalignment of your spine, putting pressure on muscles and nerves, leading to pain and discomfort in the head and neck region. 

Chiropractic care offers a natural and holistic approach to addressing the root causes of headache pain. Chiropractors are trained to identify misalignments in the spine and correct them through precise adjustments. These adjustments help to restore proper spinal alignment, reduce nerve pressure, and promote optimal nervous system function. As a result, this can alleviate the tension and stress that often contribute to headache pain.

How Exactly Will a Chiropractic Adjustment Help With Your Headache Pain?

When you visit Rhodes Chiropractic in Tigard for headache treatment, we will perform a spinal manipulation or “adjustment.” Typically for headaches, our doctors will perform a spinal manipulation on your neck, but may also adjust your back as well depending on the results of your examination.

Before your first chiropractic appointment in Tigard, our doctors will do an x-ray to examine your spine and neck before creating a treatment plan for your headaches. After a thorough exam, our doctors will create a treatment plan for your headaches and suggest various adjustments or services to treat the root cause of your headache pain. 

Utilizing a targeted methodology, or x-ray films, our chiropractors in Tigard will identify different vertebrae that are out of place or have a subluxation and are putting pressure on your nerves. Many times, this extra stress on the nervous system is what is preventing your body from functioning normally and causing your headaches. This manipulation will not only help with the current headaches you are experiencing but will reduce the risk of stress and tension building up and causing future headache pain as well.

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Come visit our chiropractors in Tigard, Oregon to help address your headache pain and get the chiropractic care you need!